
Thursday, May 24, 2007

I Thought I Had Coined the Phrase "Happy Clappy"

From the Daily Mail, UK:

Church choir walks out in tears over 'happy-clappy' service

He may have been trying to attract a more modern flock. Or maybe it was an attempt to bring some variety to his church services.

Whatever the reason for introducing what have been described as "happy-clappy services", the Reverend Jerry Bird is learning the hard way that churchgoers can be a traditional lot.

Parishioners at St Gregory the Great Church in Dawlish, Devon, claim their usual Sunday worship has been pushed aside in favour of a "family" service, involving guitars and tambourines.

A large section of the congregation are upset by the changes and last Sunday the entire 20- strong choir and organist stormed out of the church minutes before the 9.30am Sung Eucharist.

Sounds like these high-Church Anglicans need to swim the Tiber. Come on, mates, we need ya. Not sure if the parish is in disrepair or it was more angry parishes.

It took all my strength not to climb of the pews and beat the folk bands to death with their own guitars at my local parish. I've been able to calm down since escaping to the Tridentine Mass.

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