
Friday, October 16, 2009

God is Love, Obama is Evil

Nine-year-old to Obama: 'why do people hate you?'

US President Barack Obama got a blunt question from an unexpected quarter Thursday -- a daring nine-year-old boy who asked "why do people hate you?"

Obama, caught up in a divisive political row over his plans for health care reform, called on the boy, Tyren Scott, in a public meeting during his first visit to hurricane-ravaged New Orleans as president.

"I have to say, why do people hate you? They supposed to love you. God is love," Tyren, from Paulina, Louisiana asked.

Obama, appeared tickled by the question, saying "hey, that's what I'm talking about," adding "I did get elected president, so not everybody hates me now... I got a whole lot of votes."

"If you were watching TV lately, it seems like everybody's just getting mad all the time. And you know, I think that you've got to take it with a grain of salt. Some of it is just what's called politics."

The reporter fails to report the big story. This little boy seems to confuse God with this quasi Muslim socialist. Reread is sentence. It is quite clear what is going through the boys mind. He has been taught that Obama is God.

God is Love, Obama is not God or god-like Obama is Evil and Obama likes evil. We hate evil and that is why we hate Obama.

1 comment:

Corey said...

“Hello Thomas! I want to let you know about an awesome group called “Kepha, the Brotherhood of the Iron Will.” Kepha is a growing brotherhood of Catholic fathers and sons in seven states that are faithful to the Holy Father. We promote the Culture of Life through monthly retreats and shared daily prayers and provoke each other to Heaven according to our motto, "Dynamic Orthodoxy, Infectious Joy."

Kepha’s is a high-octane Catholicism rejecting spiritual laziness and moral compromise. We are under the patronage of our "BIG 3": St. John Bosco, Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, and Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati. Kepha members agree to live by 5 commitments : Apologetics, Brotherhood, Charity, Mortification and Prayer.

Kepha is a non-profit organization with chapters in Texas and Louisiana. If you know of any men who are looking for an excellent way to strengthen their relationships with their sons, then please tell them about Kepha.

You can find out more information on our web site at
You can read an article about Kepha, our founder Brent Zeringue wrote here
We look forward to hearing from you!

God bless you!
Corey Harned