
Friday, October 27, 2006

Aging Communist, Unable to Topple Capitalism Economically or Militarily, Takes a Crack at Wacko Environmentalism and Criminal Invasion

How's that communism work out for you? Is life tough on the capitalist talk-circuit paid for by your old supporters: the American Left. Well, I suppose you owe them, they carried your water for years. From my

Gorbachev compares proposed U.S. border wall to Berlin Wall

Former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev compared the United States' proposed 700-mile wall on the U.S.-Mexico border to the Berlin Wall during a Tuesday visit to Midland. [Texas]

Addressing a Tuesday news conference at UTPB's Center for Energy and Economic Diversification, the JBS Public Leadership Institute Distinguished Lecture Series speaker was by turns serious and flippant prior to a reception with more than 100 people.

"You remember President Reagan standing in Berlin and saying, 'This wall should be torn down,'" said the 1990 Nobel Peace Prize winner. "Now the United States seems to be building almost the Wall of China between itself and this other nation with which it has been associated for many decades and has had cooperation and interaction with.

"Maybe if global warming results in melting the ice in Greenland, there will be an island where those who would like to separate themselves from the rest of the world could live," he quipped. "But then of course we'll have to work this out with Denmark."

That's right, we're building a Wall of China, just like they did to keep the Monguls [like you] out. And it godammned worked, didn't it? The Wall in Berlin was designed to keep people in and was designed to split a nation [Germany]. Get the difference?

By the way, we don't need ice to melt to "seperate" ourselves. Simple door to door searches and social security number checks will do. We're already successful at stealing the best minds on the planet including most of Englands top PhDs. America will decides who she lets in. Now get out Hammer and Sickle Head.

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